by 「花バチ達と森をつくる」 NPO法人 ビーフォレスト・クラブ
NPO法人 ビーフォレスト・クラブ 代表 吉川浩

From Taker to Giver:English
Learning from Wild Bees: A Way of Life
Creating Forests with Wild Bees: Bee Forest Club
Wild bees drink nectar from flowers, carry pollen, and unknowingly nurture the growth of forests. While living for themselves, they inadvertently benefit others. Their actions teach us the natural principle of transitioning from “taker” to “giver.”
I believe bee habitats are like “Himorogi”—sacred spaces that embody countless invisible connections of life. Biodiversity is precisely the essence of “Yaoyorozu no Kami” (the myriad gods). Plants, insects, wind, and water—all are interconnected and sustain life together.
The ecosystem is a world where self and others, nature and humanity, are unified—a realization of “jita ichinyo” (oneness of self and others). Life arises through connections and fades when those connections are severed. This is the principle of “engi” (dependent origination). Observing wild bees brings us closer to such profound truths.
BeeForest activities cultivate the altruistic mindset that stems from this awareness. It inspires us to think about what we can do not just for ourselves but for forests, life, and the future. From these small wild bees, we learn invaluable lessons about life and coexistence.
Hiroshi Yoshikawa
Representative, NPO Bee Forest Club